Create Your Memory Today

Get any picture you want done. Imagine Carrying your loved ones with you all the time. This is a timeless piece one that reminds you of those you love daily while displaying to the world your love for them.

Customize Yours

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Family is what gives meaning and purpose behind every living soul on this planet. Without the unity and foundation that steams from our families, we’re just another species in the Animal Kingdom. We live, we love, and we fight for our family and that is exactly what our Pendants stand for. Our personalized pendants aren’t only precious gifts to give but also serve as a constant reminder of our unwavering loyalty to those we call Family.

Remember the day you found out you were going to be a mother or a father? Whether your mind went blank or hit 0 to 60 in a split second…your heart must have exploded with love! And we don’t blame you! Our hearts melt at the sight of a little chubby wubby baby and we’re sure yours does too! As a way of capturing their innocent wide-eyed stares and their vast curiosities, we would like to personalize our pendants with your baby’s photo…Combining our ingenuity with your irresistible bundle of joy! Be it for your baby’s arrival or a cute remainder of your little one, our treasures are yours for the taking!

Life is summarized by many as, “You’re born, you live, and then you die.” Along the way, we have a series of many “firsts” …the first spoken words out of our little mouths, the very first steps we ever took, and those first few teeth we ended up losing. However, once we got pass the learning curve of our “ABC’s” and “123’s”, we decided to take on the world and, in the process, we found our soul mate. Now take a moment to glance back at every step you’ve ever taken, and then take one final look ahead of you. There you will find the one you will spend the rest of your life with. Whether it’s an Anniversary present, Wedding gift, or just a lovely gesture…Our beautifully handcrafted pendants embody the sacred words of “I love you”.

There is an undeniable connection between us and our animal counterparts! That is why we feel sorry for anyone who comes in-between you and your fur babies! But! Whether they have fur, scales, or feathers…celebrate their lives with our lovely pendants!


Step #1

Choose your picture. Keep in Mind for best results use a high quality image and a portrait photograph.

Step #2

Upload your picture Below. make sure your picture uploads by waiting to load correctly.

Step #3

The last Step is on our Part .This is a process of smelting, crafting and hand setting the stones to the piece, so it takes time. Allow 4-5 weeks to finish the product We will keep you updated throughout the process by sending you emails.

Customize Yours TODAY

Get any picture you want done. Imagine Carrying your loved ones with you all the time. This is a timeless piece one that reminds you of those you love daily while displaying to the world your love for them.

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